Thursday, December 15, 2011

THE BIG SCAM Higgs bosons

THE BIG SCAM Higgs bosons

Yesterday I attended a conference of such a K. Kuijken, PhD in Cambridge and Professor of Astronomy at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands at the headquarters of the BBVA Foundation in Madrid.

He said exactly that, the radius of expansion of the universe was 3,700 million light years and the age of the universe after the Big Bang, was 3,000 million years and was so quiet.

He also said that the light changes direction by passing gravitational capacity near a large mass such as galaxies or stars, and served so inclined to use as gravitational lenses, moving the images on a screen of a telescope for example, by which they could use those slow so trained to see the dark matter around galaxies and stellar bodies of the universe, and it seems they had seen that.

A little more or less than a year, also in Madrid, as A. Rújala CERN, said in a lecture he gave at the Foundation Areces, the vacuum was a substance that by making it vibrate with a snap of protons makes the Higgs boson, and that these bosons are part of the Higgs field, which is the substance of the vacuum, by which particles acquire their mass by rubbing with it, going at the speed of light or close.

And now, gentlemen of the CERN and LHC, with its director to the head, Rolf-Dieter Heuer such and such former director of the John Ellis all of the Royal Society, Britain's academy of sciences (RSL), these days we say that have already cornered Higgs boson and those who have evidence, that has already detected and found, but they are finalizing estimates for public notice in 2012.

This looks like a wonderful fairy tale, if it were not actually all this physical science, and these findings will not absolutely useless to humanity despite the huge amounts of public money and spend engaged in these experiments and machines, like that of the LHC, with budgets that are tripled, and actual costs of more than 20,000 million euros, and when Europe and America are in a continuing economic crisis and eternal, because you can not pay the debt of countries , and because there is abundant energy, because we are running out rapidly, and lowered the wages of civil servants, are lowered pensions of retirees and cut social spending to help the citizens and the worst, not have alternative energy sources for mankind, as the same RME energy sources, almost inexhaustible matter.

Look you:

With telescopes we have today, both in Chile and the Canary Islands or in space, as can be seen more than 13,300 galaxies millions of light years, and are detected by the redshift of its light.

Well, notice the incongruity, the deceit, fraud and error in this physical science RSL officials, because if we take account of the speaker according to figures yesterday, as K. Kuijken (probably also Jewish so abundantly mentioned Einstein), these galaxies are traveling 1.2 times the speed of light, but admit they are wrong the information given by this gentleman, and that in fact these galaxies are traveling than at the speed of light would appear that, as by the Hubble data, this galaxy is accelerating, so called accelerated expansion of the universe, the galaxy and would be going faster than the speed of light, or more or less like the Gran Sasso neutrino, which also travel faster than light.

And what does this mean?

It's simple:

1 .- That the theory of relativity of Einstein as a Jew he is a fallacy and error as the scientists themselves say the Gran Sasso and the neutrinos, as exhaustive and dogmatically deny that anything in the universe can travel faster than light, which is not true, as shown and demonstrated.

2 .- That this galaxy should not be there, or should exist Why?

Quite simply, because if you say such as Q. Rújala Higgs, the vacuum is a substance and a force field (Higgs field), where friction with the substance, the particles acquire their mass, moving at the speed of light or next, imagine, what should go through an entire galaxy, as pe like our Milky Way, full of stars, solar systems and planets, traveling in the same conditions.

Should I buy this mass should disappear swallowed by the field and turned into a super undetectable mass point or a black hole.

And in the worst cases, as all nearby galaxies are the same thing should happen before, the mass increase rapidly, there would be such gravitational forces that would collapse the universe.

But it's funny, you are sure this happens And why not?

Quite simply, because the theories of relativity and quantum mechanics that is based on knowledge of official physical science, are a mistake, a fallacy and a fraud, and unfortunately we have over 66 years since World War II, where knowledge of the physics of matter has evolved, and have not served absolutely nothing, the immense and vast amounts of public money all spent in the LHCs, ITERS and other experiments that were insistently and are dedicated to corroborate such erroneous theories beans, knowing that there are already other better and tested with great success for years now.

What if you are a fallacy, an error and a fraud, because they are discarded, prohibits their study at universities and colleges and start again to look for new theories?

It's simple, because as they said in my village (in Europe), "we have encounters with the church."

Look, the official physical science, general composed by NASA, CERN, ESA and the RSL, created by the victors of World War II, primarily to find weapons of mass destruction might still have the nucleus, as antimatter, time travel, nuclear fusion, etc., and countries that joined after all.

Leaving it in the hands of the wrong religion and Judeo-Christian churches and Jewish European and American at the time, these, with the ultimate goal that the new understanding of the physics of matter that may arise, no evidence ever stop their religious dogmas Church invented, misleading, fraudulent, fanciful, began to weave about scientific theories and dogmas of physics almost unprovable, in the image and likeness of what they thought was the very invention of the existence of the Jewish God.

And then hatched a plan of complete corruption and pyramid single thought, which, by all means, tried to attribute the theories and discoveries of physics, religious people of his rope, usually Jews and Jewish Christians, Anglo-Saxon Protestant and Catholic Anglicans Vatican in Rome, Italy, and so have the lists of Nobel prizes, flooded with Jews and Anglicans, as if they were selected races of the earth and the universe ..

So, if we add the interest, power and money, some other countries like Israel and Anglo Jews who needed to be liked a lot of propaganda in the world and to establish by force their state on Arab land ( is still stealing Palestinian land for settlements), we must also remember that the use of Einstein as the Torah Jewish proselytizing in Israel, as we have a cocktail necessary, obvious and fundamental, corruption, lies and deceit, necessary for reach today, with an official physical science empty and knowledge, to be yours, only a systematic error of lies upon lies fatter, fanciful, fraudulent and intentional.

What we can expect all of this?

Simply that all citizens, we are less fanatical and more honest, less idolatrous and more worthy of our human condition, and disposed of once and for all this corruption that floods us and that promote the powerful to keep power, nor the money, and are not their lies and fraud, as in the case of Judeo-Christian churches and Jewish childhood beliefs, absurd, fantastic and fraudulent.

With that alone, to be more worthy, honest and free, we can choose better and open pathways to new knowledge, for example to finance other projects of physical science, such as new energy sources almost inexhaustible RME matter and already designed, as shown in my book "Energy. Inexhaustible source of energy "in collaboration with the College of Industrial Engineers of Madrid, and where also, as explained graphically and mathematically UNIFIED new theoretical physics, based on the physics of string theory Unified CFD, and tested with great success for more than 15 years now.

FCO MORENO MECO - engineer, scientist and expert in Physics of Matter -